Vai tiešām Angnēta? Vai pareizi nav Agnēta kā norādīts šajā http://www.diena.lv/arhivs/blondine-nekluses-10018002 rakstā?--AgrisR (diskusija) 21:14, 23 septembrī, 2014 (EEST)
labot šo sadaļuVai šīs grupas nosaukumam jābūt slīprakstā vai arī vienkārši jāraksta ABBA? --AgrisR (diskusija) 10:41, 26 janvārī, 2015 (EET)
- Gan jau daži kolēģi (vismaz domās) man oponēs, bet slīpraksts nav jālieto. Visas šīs padarīšanas (slīpraksts, trenkraksts, lielie burti, pēdiņas u.t.t.) jēga teksta izcelšana. Divus kopā (pēdiņas + lielie burti vai kaut kā citādi) nevajadzētu lietot; vienīgais izņēmums varētu būt "kompānijas pēc", piemēram, "Prāta Vētra", "Otra puse", "ABBA". --FRK (diskusija) 18:02, 26 janvārī, 2015 (EET)
labot šo sadaļuI have read
and the page
also after studying these pages I gave an example of how it looks on EN-wiki. I give arguments and examples, right? You can see that the Swedish and English versions apply different categories to the group so that you can find the group. Then why do you think I am wrong and bad at following examples and rules? The group should be available in several categories as it is in other languages. As an example. I went to the library and asked for materials "About Swedish music bands". They brought me anything but Abba, because I didn't know about them and they weren't in the category "Swedish music bands". Or does no one go to libraries anymore?
Zviedrijas_mūzikas_grupas - please add this group to this category and others if possible.
See what categories the group is categorized on the Swedish page:
- Abba
- Artister som vunnit i Eurovision Song Contest
- Artister som representerat Sverige i Eurovision Song Contest
- Grammis-vinnare
- Deltagare i Melodifestivalen 1973
- Deltagare i Melodifestivalen 1974
- Deltagare i Eurovision Song Contest 1974
- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
- Palindromer
See what categories the group is categorized on the EN page:
- 1972 establishments in Sweden
- Atlantic Records artists
- English-language singers from Sweden
- Epic Records artists
- Eurodisco groups
- Eurovision Song Contest entrants for Sweden
- Eurovision Song Contest entrants of 1974
- Eurovision Song Contest winners
- Melodifestivalen contestants
- Melodifestivalen winners
- Musical groups disestablished in 1982
- Musical groups established in 1972
- Musical groups from Stockholm
- Musical groups reestablished in 2016
- Musical quartets
- Palindromes
- RCA Records artists
- Schlager groups
- Swedish dance music groups
- Swedish pop music groups
- Swedish pop rock music groups
- Swedish-language singers
Intelcub (diskusija) 2023. gada 15. jūlijs, plkst. 19.21 (EEST)
- Vai šo klaunu nevar ielikt karantīnā uz mēnesi? 2023. gada 15. jūlijs, plkst. 19.36 (EEST)
- Piedāvāju izdzēst šo diskusijas sadaļu tās bezjēdzīgā garuma dēļ. --Egilus (diskusija) 2023. gada 15. jūlijs, plkst. 22.39 (EEST)