Chlorops ir stiebrmušu ģints.
Chlorops Chlorops Meigen, 1803 | |
Klasifikācija | |
Valsts | Dzīvnieki (Animalia) |
Tips | Posmkāji (Arthropoda) |
Klase | Kukaiņi (Insecta) |
Kārta | Divspārņi (Diptera) |
Virsdzimta | Carnoidea |
Dzimta | Stiebrmušu dzimta (Chloropidae) |
Apakšdzimta | Chloropinae |
Ģints | Chlorops |
Sinonīmi | |
| |
Chlorops Vikikrātuvē |
labot šo sadaļuLatvijā ir sastopamas 22 Chlorops ģints sugas:[1]
- suga: Chlorops anthracophagoideus Strobl, 1909
- suga: Chlorops brevimanus Loew, 1866
- suga: Chlorops calceatus Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops crassipalpis Smirnov, 1958
- suga: Chlorops figuratus (Zetterstedt, 1848)
- suga: Chlorops finitimus Becker, 1910
- suga: Chlorops geminatus Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops gracilis Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops hypostigma Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops laccatus Nartshuk, 1980
- suga: Chlorops laetus Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops meigeni Loew, 1866
- suga: Chlorops planifrons Loew, 1866
- suga: Chlorops pumilionis (Bjerkander, 1778)
- suga: Chlorops ringens Loew, 1866
- suga: Chlorops scalaris Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops serenus Loew, 1866
- suga: Chlorops speciosus Meigen, 1830
- suga: Chlorops troglodytes Zetterstedt, 1848
- suga: Chlorops varsoviensis Becker, 1910
- suga: Chlorops zernyi Duda, 1933
- suga: Chlorops zonulatus Wahlgren, 1913
Pieaugušo īpatņu apraksts
labot šo sadaļuChlorops ģints pieaugušajiem īpatņiem ir šādas raksturīgas īpašības:[2]
labot šo sadaļuKāpuri attīstās graudaugos.[2]
Uz Chlorops ģints stiebrmušām var parazitēt plēvspārņi. Piemēram, uz Chlorops taeniopus var parazitēt Stenomalus micans endoparazītiskā suga.[3]
labot šo sadaļuĢints tipiskā suga ir Chlorops pumilionis (Bjerkander, 1778) (sinonīms Musca pumilionis Bjerkander, 1778).[4]
labot šo sadaļuŠis nav pabeigts Chlorops ģints sugu saraksts. Ģintī ietilpst:
- Chlorops adjunctus Becker, 1910
- Chlorops adamsi Sabrosky, 1935
- Chlorops alpicolus Becker, 1910
- Chlorops amabilis Duda, 1933
- Chlorops ancistrus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops angustifrons Becker, 1910
- Chlorops annulipes Macquart, 1835
- Chlorops anthracinus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops anthracophagoideus Strobl, 1901
- †Chlorops aquisextanus Theobald 1937
- Chlorops atra Macquart, 1851
- Chlorops augustus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops babosae Dely-Draskovits, 1978
- Chlorops bisetulifer Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops bohemicus Zuska, 1960
- Chlorops brevifrons Loew, 1866
- Chlorops brevis Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops brunnipennis Becker, 1912
- Chlorops calceatus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops centromaculatus (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops certima Adams, 1904
- Chlorops cinerapennis Adams, 1903
- Chlorops cinerellus Séguy, 1934
- Chlorops constricta Becker, 1912
- Chlorops crocota Loew, 1863
- Chlorops dasycerus Loew, 1866
- Chlorops declinata (Becker, 1912)
- Chlorops digitatus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops dissimulans (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops egregia Becker, 1912
- Chlorops emiliae Smirnov, 1967
- Chlorops eversmanni Nartshuk, 2007[7]
- Chlorops fasciatus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops figuratus (Zetterstedt, 1848)
- Chlorops finitimus Becker, 1910
- Chlorops flavaristatus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops flavicorneus Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops flavimaculatus Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops flavipilus Smirnov, 1964
- Chlorops frontosus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops geminatus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops genarum Becker, 1912
- Chlorops gracilis Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops hypostigma Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops infumatus (Becker, 1910)
- Chlorops internus Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops interruptus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops kirigaminensis Kanmiya, 1978
- Chlorops laccatus Nartshuk, 2002
- Chlorops laetus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops laevis Becker, 1912
- Chlorops languida Becker, 1912
- Chlorops lasciva Adams, 1904
- Chlorops latiusculus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops latus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops liae Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops limbatus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops liturata Adams, 1903
- Chlorops longipalpis (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops longulus Meigen, 1838
- Chlorops marchali Mesnil in Balachowki & Mesnil, 1935
- Chlorops medialis Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops meigenii Loew, 1866
- Chlorops meihuashanensis Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops marginatus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops melanocera Loew, 1863
- Chlorops nigrimanus Macquart, 1835
- Chlorops nigripalpis (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops nigroscutellatus (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops novakii Strobl, 1902
- Chlorops oblita Becker, 1912
- Chlorops obscurellus (Zetterstedt, 1838)
- Chlorops obscuricornis Loew, 1863
- Chlorops oryzae Matsumura, 1915
- Chlorops pallidiventris (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops pallifrons Strobl, 1909
- Chlorops palpalis Adams, 1903
- Chlorops palpatus Smirnov, 1959
- Chlorops pannonicus Strobl, 1893
- Chlorops pennatus (Duda, 1933)
- Chlorops perflava Walker, 1849
- Chlorops planifrons (Loew, 1866)
- Chlorops posticus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops producta Loew, 1863
- Chlorops proximus Say, 1830
- Chlorops pubescens Loew, 1863
- Chlorops pumilionis (Bjerkander, 1778)
- Chlorops puncticornis Loew, 1866
- Chlorops quercophila Beschovski, 1979
- Chlorops rectinervis Becker, 1912
- Chlorops ringens Loew, 1866
- Chlorops riparius Smirnov, 1958
- Chlorops rossicus Smirnov, 1955
- Chlorops rotundatus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops rubicunda Adams, 1903
- Chlorops rubrivittata Adams, 1904
- Chlorops rufescens Coquillett, 1910
- Chlorops rufinus (Zetterstedt, 1848)
- Chlorops rufiventris Macquart, 1835
- Chlorops ruginosa Becker, 1912
- Chlorops sabulona Becker, 1912
- Chlorops sahlbergii Loew, 1863
- Chlorops scalaris Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops scutellaris (Zetterstedt, 1838)
- Chlorops seminigra Becker, 1912
- Chlorops serenus Loew, 1866
- Chlorops signatus Dely-Draskovits, 1978
- Chlorops socia Becker, 1912
- Chlorops sordidella Becker, 1912
- Chlorops speciosus Meigen, 1830
- Chlorops stigmata Becker, 1912
- Chlorops stigmaticalis Becker, 1912
- Chlorops strigulus (Fabricius, 1794)
- Chlorops subnigra Coquillett, 1910
- Chlorops sulphurea Loew, 1863
- Chlorops suturalis Séguy, 1934
- Chlorops tarsalis Becker, 1912
- Chlorops tectifrons Becker, 1910
- Chlorops tengchongensis Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops testacea Macquart, 1851
- Chlorops triangularis Becker, 1910
- Chlorops triangulatus Cuiand & Yang, 2011[5]
- Chlorops troglodytes (Zetterstedt, 1848)
- Chlorops wuyishanus Cui & Yang, 2015[6]
- Chlorops varsoviensis Becker, 1910
- Chlorops zernyi (Duda, 1933)
labot šo sadaļu- ↑ Aina Karpa (2008). Catalogue of Latvian Flies (Diptera: Brachycera). Latvijas entomologs, 46: 4-43.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР. В пяти томах. Т. V Двукрылые, блохи. Вторая часть. Под общей редакцией члена-корреспондента АН СССР Г. Я. Бей-Биенко. Академия наук СССР, Зоологический институт. Ленинград, 1970
- ↑ H. G. H. Kearns (1931). The Larval and Pupal Anatomy of Stenomalus micans Ol. (Pteromalidae), a Chalcid Endoparasite of the Gout-fly of Barley (Chlorops taeniopus Meig.), with some Details of the Life History of the Summer Generation. Parasitology, Volume 23, Issue 3 July 1931 , pp. 380-395
- ↑ E. P. Nartshuk (1997). A revision of the Chloropidae (Insecta: Diptera) described by J.W. Meigen from the Winthem's Collection. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 99B, pp. 387-406
- ↑ 5,00 5,01 5,02 5,03 5,04 5,05 5,06 5,07 5,08 5,09 5,10 5,11 Yu-Si Cuiand & Ding Yang (2011). Species of Chlorops Meigen from Yunnan (Diptera: Chloropidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 137(3 & 4):329-353. doi:
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,7 Yu Si Cui & Ding Yang (2015). New Species of Chlorops Meigen from Oriental China, with a Key to Species from China (Diptera: Chloropidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 141(1):90-110. doi:
- ↑ E. P. Nartshuk (2007). A revision of the grass flies from E.A. Eversmann’s collection with description of a new species of the genus Chlorops Meigen (Diptera, Chloropidae). Entomological Review June 2007, Volume 87, Issue 3, pp 376–379
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