Veidne:Datora aparatūras infokaste/doc
![]() | Šajā veidnē izmantota ļoti sarežģīta un ārēji nemanāma veidņu sintakse. Lūdzu, nemēģiniet šo veidni mainīt, ja Jums nav zināšanu par to, ko dariet. Ja pēc rediģēšanas radušās problēmas, ātri atceliet izmaiņas, jo tās ietekmē lielu skaitu citu Vikipēdijas lapu. Pirms izmaiņu veikšanas nodrošiniet koda kvalitātes pārbaudi no šīs lapas neatkarīgā vidē (piemēram, smilšu kastē). |
This is for generic pieces of computer hardware that don't have more specific infoboxes, such as hard drives, motherboards, CD-ROMs etc. It should not be used for hardware such as CPUs that have their own specific infoboxes. External hardware should not use this box either.
labot šo sadaļu{{ infobox computer hardware generic | name = Device Name | image = Image to show in the infobox. | caption = Caption for the image | invent-date = Date of Invention | invent-name = Name of Inventor | conn1 = What the device connects to (range 1-3) | via1_1 = Possible interface for connection (range 1-9) | class-name = Name of the subclassing method | class1 = First value in subclassing (range 1-5) | manuf1 = Common manufacturers of the device (range 1-5) | designfirm = Often, but not always, the same as manufacturer | manufacturer = Common manufacturers of the device | introduced = Date of introduction | discontinued = Date of discontinuation | cost = Introductory price | type = Type of hardware (extension card/sound card/graphics card...) | processor = Type of processor/pic/chip | frequency = Speed of the processor | memory = Built in memory, if any (KB/MB/GB) | coprocessor = Type of coprocessor | connection = Connection (PCI/PCI-E/USB....) | ports = Connections on the device, such as PATA, SCSI, SATA... | power = Power consumption (W/kWh) | weight = kilogram (kg) | dimensions = W*D*H (width, depth, and height. Normally in centimetre (cm)) }}
All fields, except 'name', are optional
The numbered attributes mean that there is allowance for multiples. The via
attributes range from via1_1
to via3_9
where the first number corresponds to the appropriate connection number and the second number is the position in that connections 'via' list. For each connection (via_1, via_2, or via_3), there can be up to 9 connectors, via#_1 through via#_9.