MediaWiki diskusija:Common.css

Hello, we have noticed that after the deployment of MediaWiki 1.20wmf1 an old local customised diff style has not been removed from this page. 1.20 brings a new, greatly improved diff style which is no longer compatible with older customisations. To prevent the new release from worsening rather than improving your diffs, a global interface editor has agreed to help you by removing the old code in a week from now unless you object. You'll then be able to see if the new style suits you or needs a new customisation. I hope this helps, Nemo bis (diskusija) 20:56, 5 augustā, 2012 (UTC)

Neaizmirstam, ka pirms diviem gadiem mēs vienojāmies par izmaiņu paskatu un to negribētos pazaudēt. Protams, būtiski jau jaunais variants neatšķiras. --ScAvenger (diskusija) 21:46, 5 augustā, 2012 (UTC)
As I don't understand Latvian, I had to use google translator, to get this. I've removed the old definitions now, restoring the default MediaWiki behavior, which is only slightly different from what it used to be. I hope you like it. Feel free to contact me with questions or if you disagree. Cheers, Hoo man (diskusija) 11:47, 19 augustā, 2012 (UTC)
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