
Piezīme: Lai redzētu izmaiņas, pēc publicēšanas var nākties iztīrīt sava pārlūka kešatmiņu.

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  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Pieturi Ctrl un klikšķini uz Pārlādēt vai nospied Ctrl-F5
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// [[pl:MediaWiki:Gadget-minih2.js]]
	if (typeof(wp_minih2_max_size) === 'undefined') {
		window.wp_minih2_max_size = 10000;
	if (typeof(wp_minih2_max_average) === 'undefined' ) {
		window.wp_minih2_max_average = 2000;
	var textSize = $("#bodyContent").text().length;
	var sections = $("body.ns-0 #bodyContent h2, body.ns-2 #bodyContent h2").length;
	var average = textSize/(sections+1);
	var suggestion = (sections > 0) && (textSize < wp_minih2_max_size) && (average < wp_minih2_max_average);

	if (suggestion)
		// disable the bottom line in the second level heading sections
		// let know that there is <h2> tag in toc section,
		// but it does not consits of the line so the code does not hurt it
		$("h2").css("border-bottom-width", "0");
		// make the font size of the heading text smaller (default is 21px)
		$("h2").css("font-size", "18px");

	if (typeof(wp_minih2_debug) !== 'undefined' ) {
		var before = document.getElementById( 'pt-userpage' );
		var inside = before.parentNode;
		var textSize = $("#bodyContent").text().length;
		var indicator1 = document.createElement( 'li' );
		indicator1.innerHTML = 'text size: ' + textSize + ' limit: ' + wp_minih2_max_size;
		inside.insertBefore( indicator1, before );
		var sections = $("body.ns-0 #bodyContent h2, body.ns-2 #bodyContent h2").length;
		var indicator2 = document.createElement( 'li' );
		indicator2.innerHTML = 'sections: ' + (1+sections);
		inside.insertBefore( indicator2, before );
		var indicator3 = document.createElement( 'li' );
		var average = Math.round(textSize/(sections+1));
		indicator3.innerHTML = 'average: ' + average + ' limit: ' + wp_minih2_max_average;
		inside.insertBefore( indicator3, before );
		var indicator4 = document.createElement( 'li' );
		var suggestion = (sections > 0) && (textSize > 0) && (textSize < wp_minih2_max_size) && (average < wp_minih2_max_average);
		indicator4.innerHTML = 'suggestion: ' + (suggestion ? "<img src=>" : "<img src=>");
		inside.insertBefore( indicator4, before );