Diskusija:USB Type-C

Jaunākais komentārs: pirms 6 gadiem no tēmā USB-C


labot šo sadaļu

2018-08-08 a user from France moved the pages in several Wikipedias, incl. lvwiki [1]. Also altered labels in Wikidata and edited pages. He knew https://www.google.com/search?q=%22USB-C%22+site%3Ausb.org : "USB Type-C™ and USB-C™ are trademarks of USB Implementers Forum." [2], i.e. both are official names, but more important the common name is the relevant name for most Wikipedias. Still he went to mass change

Reverts are starting 2018. gada 9. augusts, plkst. 13.52 (EEST)Atbildēt

ca	USB-C
cs	USB-C
en	USB-C
es	USB-C
et	USB-C
fi	USB-C
fr	USB Type-C
id	USB-C
it	USB-C
lt	USB-C
lv	USB Type-C
pl	USB-C
pt	USB-C
sv	USB-C
tr	USB Type-C 2018. gada 2. novembris, plkst. 22.29 (EET)Atbildēt

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