Dalībnieks:Oroconprime/Smilšu kaste

OROCON labot šo sadaļu

OROCON is a startup, which has developed a software (SaaS) for construction site management for construction managers, engineers, etc. The aim of the software is to make construction process more efficient and make it possible to finish construction projects on time and without any extra costs.

OROCON has detected the main errors and inconsistencies in construction process and has developed a solution to avoid those errors and inconsistencies.

OROCON PRIME labot šo sadaļu

OROCON PRIME platform can be used on different devices (web, tablet, smartphone) to provide fast and easy access. Main features of the platform are real-time Gantt chart, information flow between employees of different levels, cash flow, working time control and other features. System saves data and keeps record of inconsistencies or errors in the process of construction site, project status, planned tasks and all drawings for future processing, control and usage.

Product labot šo sadaļu

OROCON offers these modules for construction companies:

Real-time Gantt chart

Gantt chart helps to divide the construction project plan in even and logical tasks. With real-time Gantt chart errors and inconsistencies can be detected in a few seconds, which automatically reduces the shift in the project time.

Task and violation control

It is important to have a fast access to tasks and also data history of tasks and violations. If the violations and corrections are saved it minimizes the time spent on a similar task in the future, because of the data of previous solutions.


Precise project finance planning and cash flow charts.


All the necessary construction reports and export to the main departments in convenient form with just a few clicks.

Full software

Full software contains all features mentioned before and extra benefits for even better construction project management.

History labot šo sadaļu

"OROCON" construction project management system development started in 2015 in Latvia and gained recognizability in the market of Latvia in the middle of 2016 , when information about system reached leading representatives in construction industry in Latvia. In order to introduce the system to a larger audience company "OROCON" was created in April 2016.